Youth leading the way: the BIK Youth panel and SIF YAG are getting ready for action
In the lead-up to this year's Safer Internet Forum (SIF) 2023, the involvement of young people is taking centre stage, ensuring that the event truly reflects voices of today's digitally connected youth. Two key youth-driven groups, the Better Internet for Kids (BIK) Youth Panel and the Safer Internet Forum Youth Advisory Group (SIF YAG), are working hard to shape the event.
The BIK Youth Panel, now comprising 31 young people aged 13 to 19 from 22 European countries, has been meeting every week since the beginning of September. These dedicated young people come together to engage in productive discussions and debates. In their most recent session, for example, they tackled the crucial issue of child-adult collaboration on the internet. Three thought-provoking topics were debated:
- It was discussed whether teachers can effectively teach internet safety when they themselves may lack sufficient knowledge in this area. The panel suggested that teachers should attend mandatory courses on internet safety to equip them for this important role.
- The BIK Youth Panel emphasised the importance of teaching internet safety from an early age. They advocated for children learning these vital skills at home from their parents rather than relying solely on schools to provide this education.
- The panel expressed concerns that many adults might not fully understand what internet safety entails. This gap in knowledge should be addressed to create a safer digital environment for everyone.
From a different perspective, the SIF YAG, a group of ten young individuals representing different EU countries, is diligently preparing for the Safer Internet Forum 2023, themed Empowering YOUth with skills for the Digital Decade. Their focus is on defining the event's speakers and shaping its sessions. The goal is to ensure that the forum delivers insightful and inspiring discussions that resonate with the concerns of today's youth in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
By actively involving young people in the event’s planning and execution, the Forum aims to create a safer, more informed, and inclusive online world for everyone.
To stay updated on youth activities related to the Better Internet for Kids agenda across Europe, visit Read on to discover more about Safer Internet Forum 2023, and secure your online spot now!
- Type: youth
- Date:2023-09-29
- Author:BIK Team
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